What's your riding preference?

Segway Safety Training

Greenway/Park Tour

Church Group Training Courses

Church groups will have safety training courses


Senior Group Training Courses

Senior groups will have safety training courses


Family Reunion Fun

Family reunions will be competing against each other in group obstacle courses


Corporate Team Building

The Segways are a unique vehicle that offers instant team fun and challenge! Segways are perfect as a standalone team spectacle or as part of a team building day, treasure hunt or multi-activity team event. Once our expert instructors have shown you the very simple techniques, you and your team will be off and running. We have many formats to offer, including navigating around obstacles!

All Around City Tour

All around city tour with in groups of 8 per tour

One-on-One Safety Training

$15.00 per person for one hour without tour

Company Group Picnic Tours

Will be located on company premise or the nearest company outing park.

It will be in team groups or just park tours